Your Guide to Allergy Relief

Dealing with itchy, red, watery eyes? It's not your imagination -- allergy season is getting worse every year. And with different allergens blooming at different times, it sometimes feels like every season is allergy season.
But there is relief. In addition to medicinal options, there are plenty of surprisingly simple ways to protect your eyes this allergy season.
1. Find a hat.
Any hat with a brim (the wider the better) will help keep pollen out of your eyes.
2. Wear large or wrap-style eyewear to protect your eyes from allergens.
Glasses provide allergy relief by blocking pollinated air from circulating in and around the eye area. And the larger the lenses and frames, the better; more surface area means more protection. Eagle Eyes has a number of products that fit the bill. Try a sports-wrap style like the Cozmoz or Traxion, or opt for trendy oversized lenses like the Stealth or Teardrop Aviator. For an oversized look with a feminine flair, try the gorgeous Larissa or Carina.
Wear prescription glasses? No problem -- we've got you covered with our FitOn and FitOn Sleek sunglasses. These frames provide sun (and pollen) protection, and fit effortlessly over your prescription glasses.
And since the sun doesn't set on allergies, neither does our eyewear! Browse our Night-Lite®, StimuLight® and our NEW System collections for frames that will expand your vision (and block pesky pollen) any time of day or night.
3. Cut down on hair products.
Gels or pomades can trap pollen and transfer it to furniture and bedding, so consider going au natural during pollen season.
4. Don't air-dry your clothes outside.
It may be environmentally friendly, but during high allergy season, air-drying your clothes outside is a surefire way to trap pollen and bring it back inside.
5. Check the weather.
Local and national weather sites will let you know how high pollen levels are in your area -- and what kind of pollen. Expect more pollen on warm, dry and windy days and less on overcast or wet days. On high pollen days, consider spending less time outside and using your air conditioner.