Fiton de 3 pulgadas®
Marco completo

Precio habitual$89.95
Fiton de 3 pulgadas®<br>Marco completo
Fiton de 3 pulgadas®<br>Marco completo
Fiton de 3 pulgadas®<br>Marco completo
Fiton de 3 pulgadas®<br>Marco completo
Fiton de 3 pulgadas®<br>Marco completo
Fiton de 3 pulgadas®<br>Marco completo
Fiton de 3 pulgadas®<br>Marco completo
Fiton de 3 pulgadas®<br>Marco completo
Fiton de 3 pulgadas®<br>Marco completo
Fiton de 3 pulgadas®<br>Marco completo
Fiton de 3 pulgadas®<br>Marco completo


Por último, hay una manera de proteger y mejorar su visión las 24 horas del día - desde los rayos ultravioletas a la luz azul, a la luz tenue o nocturna, usando sus gafas recetadas.

Así es como funciona.El sistema 3in1 comenzó con una base fuerte pero ligera de moda, marco completo con un TR - 90 duradero.La base está equipada con nuestra única Digitec® Tecnología.Estas lentes transparentes y microinyectables bloquean la luz azul de los teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas, computadoras y televisores.Menos luz azul significa menos fatiga ocular y fatiga, y más tiempo de pantalla cómodo (más).

Todo saldrá bien.El sistema 3in1 fiton incluye dos clips ligeros que se pueden conectar magnéticamente (sin esfuerzo) a su Digitec® Marco básico.Esto significa tres tipos diferentes de mejora visual y protección, de día o de noche en cualquier momento en un paquete suave.
Desarrollado a partir de la óptica primitiva de la NASA, el ámbar oscuro de nuestra estrella de tres capas® Las lentes polarizadas pueden bloquear el 99,9% de los rayos uva y uvb dañinos, combatir la luz lateral y el resplandor, mejorar el color y la claridad.Ya sea que estés en la playa, jugando al golf o simplemente disfrutando del sol, abróchate estas lentes para la mejor protección visual.

Cambia tu vida nocturna exclusiva cuando el sol se ponga.® Lente.En condiciones de baja luz, estas lentes amarillas de microinyección pueden lograr la máxima claridad y claridad, pero también bloquear la luz fuerte, muy adecuado para juegos nocturnos o actuaciones, conducción nocturna o caminar después del anochecer.

Si está listo para mejorar y proteger su visión las 24 horas del día sin afectar su receta, elija 3in1 fiton para cambiar las reglas del juego® El sistema de hoy.Nos aseguraremos de que usted tiene todo lo que necesita para mantener sus lentes en buen estado, incluyendo:

  • 1 kit de limpieza
  • 1 maleta con cremallera


Product Features

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Lens Technology

Trilenium®, Night-Lite®, and Digitec® Lens Technologies

For the Systems sunglasses, It started with cutting-edge polarized technology that NASA created to protect their astronauts’ eyes while living and working in space. Today, this same technology is the foundation of our Trilenium® polarized sunglasses. Trilenium® lens technology is designed to block blue light and 99.9% of harmful solar radiation, while expanding your vision.

The night vision glasses with Night-Lite® technology are designed to filter out high-intensity glare and soften harsh lights from oncoming cars, streetlights and billboards, while enhancing clarity and definition at night. This helps to improve your ability to detect and distinguish objects and fight temporary night blindness and eyestrain while driving after dark.

Finally, our exclusive DigiTec® lenses are specially formulated to block and filter blue light from e-devices and augment the color contrast between objects. With an anti-reflective coating to reduce glare and cut harsh light, these lenses help to reduce the digital eyestrain caused by looking at computer screens and digital devices for long periods of time.


Lens Width


Lens Height






What's in the Box

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Michael Carpenter
Excellent Build Quality

The 3 in 1 FitOn full frame are the best quality sunglasses I have. I suffer from dry macular degeneration, and blocking harmful rays of the sun is vitally important to me. These glasses do an excellent job of accomplishing that purpose. The only "downside" to them is they do not have a darker lens available to help prevent the need to "squint" on very bright days since my eyes are so sensitive to bright light with my eye disease. If you're looking for an excellent build quality sunglass to wear over your existing prescription glasses, these are the ones to buy.


Got them fast. Top quality. Much better than expected. Got them for better night vision, THEY WORK GREAT!!!!!!

Robert Warn
Digital is great

The digital is great for computer, mobile phone emails etc, and TV. It's winter here in Australia and where I am its cold and often very overcast, and I'm an old coot. I also haven't been doing night driving, so I have not given either the daytime sunglass or amber night lenses a workout as yet - will comment on these later.

Just one query, the amber lenses seem a little darker than photos of the night lenses in ads for the night only specs. Is this so? Just wondered whether they were a little too dark for night driving? Again, haven't tried them yet. (Possibly a silly question. I should give then sa run.)

Hi Robert,

We appreciate the feedback on the digital glasses. As for night driving, the yellow lenses with Night-Lite® technology are designed to filter out high-intensity glare and soften harsh lights from oncoming cars, street-lights and billboards, while enhancing clarity and definition at night. This helps to improve your ability to detect and distinguish objects and fight temporary blindness when driving at night. Go ahead and try them out. It even works great during dusk or dawn, inclement weather like in the rain, fog or snow.

The amber lenses are Eagle Eyes' polarized sunglasses with exclusive Trilenium® lens technology to block blue light and 99.9% of harmful solar radiation, while expanding your vision. Eagle Eyes' Trilenium® sun lenses block all three types of damaging radiation.

Hope that helps and feel free to contact our customer service anytime you have further inquiries. Stay safe always!

Rod burton

Purchased these to cover my prescription glasses but didn’t fit them properly, they didn’t cover the lenses from top to bottom and my glasses would get stuck inside the frame Other then that I like them. I will buy a different pair from them that might cover my glasses

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